Recent Additions

The World of the Ranters
First edition of A L Morton's account of religious radicalism in the English Revolution
A L Morton
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1970
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Marc Chagall, en Terre Promise
2008, a French study of Chagall's Bible illustrations
Francois Chapon
Henry des Abbayes Art Editions, Fougeres, 2008
Art | Soft Cover | First Editions

Inside Africa
From the library of Fleur Cowles and signed by her
John Gunther
Harper & Brothers, New York, 1955
History | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

Inside Europe Today
From the library of Fleur Cowles and signed by her
John Gunther
Hamish Hamilton, London, 1961
History | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

A La Recherche du Bonheur
1885, sixth edition signed by Scottish educationalist Sophie Weisse
Leo Tolstoy, as Comte Leon Tolstoi, traduit et precede d'une preface par M E Halperne
Perrin et Cie, Paris, 1885
Fiction | Hard Cover | Leather Bound

The Excavations of the Roman Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970–1977
Signed by Brian Philp
Brian Philp
Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit, Dover, 1981
History | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Commitments
1988, the first UK edition
Roddy Doyle
William Heinemann, London, 1988
Fiction | Soft Cover | First Editions

Henry Moore: In the Light of Greece (Signed copy)
Signed by author and cataloguer, Roger Cardinal
Roger Cardinal
Umberto Allemandi, Turin, 2000
Art | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Marvellous Melies
An illustrated study fo french fantasy film-maker Georges Melies
Paul Hammond
Gordon Fraser, London, 1974
Film & Theatre | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Regimental Badges Worn in the British Army One Hundred Years Ago (Signed copy)
1900, limited edition (33/50), signed by Edward Amack
Edward Almack
Blades, East and Blades, London, 1900
Military & War | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Limited Editions | Leather Bound

The Adventures of So Hi (Signed copy)
Signed by Cynon Beaton-Jones
Cynon Beaton-Jones, illustrated by John Ward
James Barrie, London, 1951
Fiction | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Golden Sceptre
1899, a Ruritanian thriller romance
Gerald H Thornhill
C Arthur Pearson, London, 1899
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Letters from Bishopsbourne
Three Writers in an English Village: Richard Hooker, Joseph Conrad, and Jocelyn Brooke
Christopher Scoble
BMM, Cheltenham, 2010
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

A Room with a View
Abinger Edition No 3, with extensive notes
E M Forster, edited by Oliver Stallybrass
Edward Arnold, London, 1977
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Japanese Sword Essentials
A profusely illustrated study of Japanese swords
Yoshiaki Limura
Unknown, Japan, 1961
Reference & Bibliography | Hard Cover | First Editions

Barnham Rectory
A 1934 romance from Doreen Wallace
Doreen Wallace, dustwrapper by J Z Atkinson
Collins, London, 1934
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

An Episode of Sparrows
1956 first edition of Rumer Godden's post-war classic
Rumer Godden
Macmillan, London, 1956
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Everyman & Other Plays
1925, with beautiful illustrations printed in gold, blue and black by John Austen
John Austen, illustrator
Chapman & Hall, London, 1925
Drama | Hard Cover | First Editions

Architecture Industry and Wealth, Collected Papers
1902, a collection of eleven papers, speeches etc by William Morris
William Morris
Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1902
Architecture & Design | Hard Cover | First Editions

Pussy, A Novel (Signed copy)
Signed by Howard Jacobson, his satire on Donald Trump
Howard Jacobson, illustrated by Chris Riddell
Jonathan Cape, London, 2017
Fiction | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

Portraits and Speculations
1913, Arthur Ransome's essays, this copy signed by Maurice Firuski in 1916
Arthur Ransome
Macmillan, London, 1913
Essays | Hard Cover | First Editions | Association Copy

Master Violinists in Performance
1982, Yasye, Thibaud, Szigeti, Menuhin etc
Henry Roth, foreword by Josef Gingold
Paganiniana Publications, Neptune City, NJ, 1982
Music | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Socialist Collective Agreement
The evolution and role of the collective agreements in the CMEA countries
Laszlo Nagy
Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 1984
Politics, Law & Economics | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Book of Common Prayer & Proper Lessons
c1860, beautifully bound leather set in leather carry case
Common Prayer
George E Eyre & William Spottiswoode, London, 1860
Religions, Beliefs & Spirituality | Hard Cover | Leather Bound

Far Below
Editor Robert Weinberg's collection of horror tales from the pulps
Robert E Weinberg, editor, dustwrapper by Lee Coyle Brown
Fax Collector's Editions, West Linn, Oregon, 1974
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper