Recent Additions

Lime and Lime Mortars
A 1998 facsimile of the 1927 first edition
A D Cowper
Donhead Publishing, Shaftesbury, 1998
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover

West African Folk Tales
1917, many featuring Anansi, and illustrated by Cecilia Sinclair
William H Barker, and Cecilia Sinclair
George G. Harrap, London, 1917
Mythology, Customs & Folklore | Hard Cover | First Editions

Agreement! (Signed copy)
Signed by Beatrix Campbell; The State, Conflict and Change in Northern Ireland
Beatrix Campbell
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 2008
Politics, Law & Economics | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

Ancient Order of Druids Choruses
A collection of Initiation Choruses from the most senior druidic order
Ancient Order of Druids
Ancient Order of Druids, London, 1920
Ephemera | Hard Cover

Figurabile: Francis Bacon
1993, a profusely illustrated exhibition book from the 45th Venice Biennale
Achille Bonito Oliva, editor
Electa, Milan, 1993
Art | Soft Cover | First Editions

Jiri Jilek
A study of the Czech painter and sculptor
Miroslav Korsal
Galerie Jiriho Jilka, Sumperk, 1993
Art | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

A Little History of British Gardening (Signed copy)
Signed by Jenny Uglow
Jenny Uglow
Chatto & Windus, London, 2004
Gardening | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Proceedings of the Synod of the Presyterian Church of England 1906–1920
A record of meetings and rules etc
Samuel William Carruthers
Presbyterian Church of England, London, 1923
Religions, Beliefs & Spirituality | Hard Cover | First Editions

Ars Nova
German artist Anselm Reyle's works of four and six colours
Anselm Reyle, essays by Bruce Hainley and Dominic Eichler
JRP-Ringier, Zurich, 2006
Art | Soft Cover | First Editions

David Hockney Portraits
2006, a profusely illustrated study of the artist's portraits
Sarah Howgate, and Barbara Stern Shapiro, with essays by Mark Glazebrook, Marco Livingstone and Edmund White
National Portrait Gallery, London, 2006
Art | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Chile, Reality and Prospects of Popular Unity
1972, an elusive title
Kate Clark
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1972
Politics, Law & Economics | Soft Cover | First Editions

Oils, Pigments, Paints & Varnishes etc
1922, Rupert Truelove's treatise on protective and decorative coatings
Rupert H Truelove
Isaac Pitman, London, 1922
Crafts | Hard Cover | First Editions

High Wycombe Furniture
Lawrence Weaver's treatise on Buckingham furniture
Lawrence Weaver
The Fanfare Press, London, 1929
Crafts | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Album Aragon
1997, published in Gallimard's Bibliothèque De La Pléiade series
Jean Ristat, editor
Librairie Gallimard / NRF, Paris, 1997
Illustrated | Hard Cover | First Editions | Leather Bound | Slipcase

Ask for King Billy
The first printing of Henry Treece's adventure story
Henry Treece, drawings by Richard Kennedy
Faber & Faber, London, 1955
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Anatomy of the Soviet Ruling Class (1984)
Michael Voslensky, with a preface by Milovan Djilas. Translated by Eric Mosbacher
The Bodley Head, London, 1984
On Hold
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Real "Lady of the Camellias"
and Other Women of Quality (1927)
Charles A Dolph
T Werner Laurie Ltd, London, 1927
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Art of Hilda Carline
A study of the art of Stanley Spencer's first wife
Alison Thomas, edited by Timothy Wilcox, foreword by Frances Spalding
Lund Humphries, London, 1999
Art | Soft Cover | First Editions

Not to Disturb
Muriel Spark’s story of a twisted murder plot
Muriel Spark
Macmillan, London, 1971
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Henri Cartier-Bresson, The Modern Century
A huge survey of the photographer's work
Peter Galassi
Thames and Hudson, London, 2010
Photography | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Disappearing Room (Signed copy)
Signed by Mara Bergman, her first full collection of poetry
Mara Bergman
Arc Publications, Todmorden, 2018
Poetry | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Medical Directory 1915
with thousands of entries for England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
Not stated
J & A Churchill, London, 1915
Genealogy | Hard Cover

Original abstract expressionist oil painting, framed
Vertical Log by David Holt (April 1972)
David Holt
Original Artwork, 1972
Artwork | Hard Cover | Signed Copies

The Milk in the Cocoanut
1933, a work of speculative fiction by W Barnard Faraday
W Barnard Faraday, as W Bernard Faraday to the spine
Denis Archer, London, 1933
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Original Modern British Art oil on board painting
Untitled (Sunbathers) by David Holt (1968)
David Holt
Original Artwork, 1968
Artwork | Hard Cover | Signed Copies