
Pussy, A Novel (Signed copy)

Signed by Howard Jacobson, his satire on Donald Trump


Howard Jacobson, illustrated by Chris Riddell


Jonathan Cape, London, 2017
Pussy, A Novel (Signed copy)Pussy, A Novel (Signed copy)Pussy, A Novel (Signed copy)

Printing Details

First edition, second printing. Paperback with French flaps (no hardback was issued). 21.5 × 15.5cm, 190pp.

Signed directly to the title page by Howard Jacobson.

A provocatively entertaining, savagely funny satire on Donald Trump. Pussy is the story of Prince Fracassus, heir presumptive to the Duchy of Origen, famed for its golden-gated skyscrapers and casinos, who passes his boyhood watching reality shows on TV, imagining himself to be the Roman Emperor Nero, and fantasizing about hookers. He is idle, boastful, thin-skinned and egotistic; has no manners, no curiosity, no knowledge, no idea and no words in which to express them. Could he, in that case, be the very leader to make the country great again?


This copy is in very good condition.





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Pussy, A Novel (Signed copy)Pussy, A Novel (Signed copy)Pussy, A Novel (Signed copy)

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