
Recent Additions

The Post Office Went to War

with two superb illustrations by Coombs
Ian Hay
HMSO, London, 1946
Military & War | Soft Cover | First Editions

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

The Folio Society's illustrated edition of Ken Kesey's classic
Ken Kesey, introduction by John Sutherland, illustrations by David Hughes
The Folio Society, London, 2015
Fiction | Hard Cover | First thus | Slipcase

Poems and Prose by The Penge Poet

1899, the poetry of Joseph Gwyer, one of the world's worst poets
Joseph Gwyer, the Penge Poet
F Perraton, London, 1899
Poetry | Hard Cover

Euphues, The Anatomy of Wit (1579)

and Euphues and his England (1580), published 1868 in Arber's English Reprint series
John Lyly, carefully edited by Edward Arber
Alex Murray & Son, London, 1868
Fiction | Hard Cover | Leather Bound | First thus

Rainbow Fish, Four Short Novels

Rainbow Fish, Death of a Virgin, The Other Land, and Dead End of the Sky
Ralph Bates
Jonathan Cape, London, 1937
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Miraculous Horde and other stories

Ralph Bates's short stories from the Spanish Civil War
Ralph Bates
Jonathan Cape, London, 1939
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Notes on the History of Shipbuilding in South Shields 1746–1946

with appendices
Amy C Flagg
South Tyneside Borough Council, 1979
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

A Bag of Songs (Signed copy)

Signed by Paul Simmonds, singwriter for folk group band TMTCH
Paul Simmonds, 2007
Music | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

Top of the World

First UK edition of Hans Ruesch's novel of the polar Inuits
Hans Ruesch
Victor Gollancz, London, 1950
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Language and Poetry of Flowers

1857, an early edition of this charming miniature Victorian book
Miss S C Edgarton
Thomas Nelson, London, 1857
Mythology, Customs & Folklore | Hard Cover

A World of Folk Tales

Five volumes of illustrated folk stories from around the world
James Riordan, with various illustrators
Paul Hamlyn, London, 1981
Mythology, Customs & Folklore | Hard Cover | First Editions

Picturesque Sicily

1902, an illustrated tour of Sicily, with Palermo, Syracuse, Segesta etc
William Agnew Paton
Harper & Brothers, New York & London, 1902
Travel & Exploration | Hard Cover

The Year of Stalingrad

1946, An Historical Record and a Study of Russian Mentality, Methods and Policies
Alexander Werth
Hamish Hamilton, London, 1946
Military & War | Hard Cover | First Editions

RAF Yatesbury, The History

including the First and Second World Wars, illustrated
Phil Tomaselli
Phil Tomaselli, Bristol, 2004
Military & War | Hard Cover | First Editions

The New Canterbury Tales

1811, a rare early title from Oliver Outline, pseudonym of poet Edward Quillinan
Oliver Outline, pseudonym of Edward Quillinan
Henry Colburn, London, 1811
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

D H Lawrence's Nightmare

The Writer and his Circle in the Years of the Great War
Paul Delany
The Harvester Press, Hassocks, 1979
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Imagism, A Chapter for the History of Modern Poetry

A first edition of Stanley K Coffman's classic study
Stanley K Coffman
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1951
Literary Criticism | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Worst Journey in the World

1951, single volume edition with a Postscript
Apsley Cherry-Garrard
Chatto & Windus, London, 1951
Travel & Exploration | Hard Cover | First thus

A Midsummer Memory

1910, An Elegy on the Death of Arthur Upson
Richard Burton
Edmund D Brooks, Minneapolis, 1910
Poetry | Hard Cover | First Editions | Limited Editions

Yugoslav-Bulgarian Relations 1941–1945

The history of the two countries relations during the Second World War
Slobodan Nesovic, translated by Margot and Bosko Milosavljevic
Macedonian Review Editions, Skopje, 1979
History | Soft Cover | First Editions

Come all ye bold miners

Ballads and Songs from the Coalfields (1952), this copy with gift inscription from R Page Arnot
A L Lloyd, compiler
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1952
Poetry | Soft Cover | First Editions | Association Copy

Art and the Built Environment

1982, first edition of this handbook for teachers
Eileen Adams, and Colin Ward
Longman, London, 1982
Art | Soft Cover | First Editions

Pick a Pair!

A wonderful 1979 games book with 30 board games for 2 players
Frank Tapson, and Alan Parr
A & C Black, London, 1979
Childrens | Soft Cover | First Editions

South Battersea: The Formative Years 1851–1900

A South London history
Roger Logan
Wandsworth Historical Society, London, 1977
Topography & Local Interest | Soft Cover | First Editions

Photograph album, with original images of the Royal Yacht, Louis Mountbatten as a baby

and with candid shots of King Edward VII, and the actors of the 1900 Oberammergau Passion Play etc
John and Maud Le Couteur
Not Published, 1901
Photography | Hard Cover

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