Browse by Date—1900–1949

The Marxist Philosophy and the Sciences
1942, J B S Haldane's Muirhead lectures on political philosophy of 1938
J B S Haldane
George Allen & Unwin, London, 1942
Science, Mathematics & Technology | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper

The Apes of God
1932, Wyndham Lewis's attack on the aesthetic artistic society of the time, in the original dustwrapper
Wyndham Lewis
Grayson & Grayson, London, 1932
Fiction | Hard Cover | First thus

Christ Church, Madras, Parish Magazine 1928
Church notices, short stories, home help, adverts...
Christ Church, Madras
Not stated, Madras (Chennai), 1928
Religions, Beliefs & Spirituality | Hard Cover | First Editions

Kitty Frew
1936, a novel of married life from American author Jane Abbott
Jane Abbott
John Lane, The Bodley Head, London, 1936
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Blood and Iron
1916, Impressions from the Front in France and Flanders, this copy signed by Major A A Macfarlane-Grieve
Wilson McNair
Seeley, Service & Co, London, 1916
Military & War | Hard Cover | First Editions | Association Copy

Black Beauty
1940, a nice hardback edition in dustwrapper
Anna Sewell
A & C Black, London, 1940
Childrens | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper

St Francis of Assisi
1926, the first illustrated edition of G K Chesterton's biography, signed by Welsh opera singer Leila Megane
G K Chesterton, illustrated by F Cayley-Robinson
Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1926
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First thus

Original Architectural Drawing for an Author's Retreat
1946, a quiet country cottage with large writing room
G Reed
Not Published, Essex, 1946
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | Handwritten

Original Architectural Drawing for a Proposed Youth Hostel in the Lake District
1946, with colour perspective, elevations, and floorplan
G Reed
Not Published, Essex, 1946
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | Handwritten

Original Architectural Drawing for a Small Dance Hall
1947, with floorplan and two dancers in evening wear
G Reed
Not Published, Essex, 1947
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | Handwritten

Original architect's drawing for a staircase for a hall
1946, watercolour (with maid), and technical plan
G Reed
Not Published, Essex, 1947
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | Handwritten

Original architect's drawing for a stone carver's workshop in the Cotswolds
1947, with watercolour image and floorplan
G Reed
Not Published, Essex, 1947
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | Handwritten

Original architect's drawing for the design of a Public Library
1947, by a student architect, with colour elevations and a floorplan
G Reed
Not Published, Essex, 1947
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | Handwritten

Peter Pan's Play-Book
[1929], a collection of 24 images on card by Flora White
J M Barrie, illustrated by Flora White
Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1929
Illustrated | Hard Cover | First Editions

This Smoking World
1928, A history of smoking, and why people smoke etc etc
A E Hamilton, introductory essay by Sir Montague Sherman
Methuen, London, 1928
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

Barrack Room Ballads
with handwritten poem "Song of the Chaklala Chindits" by R T D Smith (No 3 Parachute Training School, Rawalpindi)
Rudyard Kipling
Methuen, London, 1946
Poetry | Hard Cover

Odd—But Even So
15 Queer and Quaint stories from P C Wren
P C Wren
John Murray, London, 1942
Fiction | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper

Over the Range (Signed copy)
Signed by Ion L Idriess, 'Sunshine and Shadows in the Kimberleys'
Ion L Idriess
Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1949
Travel & Exploration | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | Dustwrapper

A Catalogue of the Pictures in the Garrick Club
1936, half-vellum, a comprehensive list with biographies
C K Adams, compiler
The Garrick Club, London, 1936
Art | Hard Cover | First Editions | Fine Bindings

Nicholas Copernicus 1543–1943
Limited edition, signed by Stephen P Mizwa, and presented to Peter Frazer, the then Prime Minister of New Zealand
Stephen P Mizwa
The Kosciuszko Foundation, New York, 1943
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Limited Editions | Slipcase

The Artists of the 1890's
1928, this copy from the library of architect of Roderick Gradidge
John Rothenstein
George Routledge & Sons, London, 1928
Art | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Semi-Detached House & The Semi-Detached Couple
1928, Emily Eden's two novels
Emily Eden, with introductions by Anthony Eden and John Gore
Elkin Mathews & Marrot Ltd, London, 1928
Fiction | Hard Cover

Dare to be Wise (Signed copy)
Signed by actress Violet Vanbrugh
Violet Vanbrugh
Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1925
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

Slum Clearance and Rehousing
1934, The First Report of the Council for Research on Housing Construction
The Earl of Dudley, introduction
Council for Research on Housing Construction, London, 1934
Architecture & Design | Hard Cover | First Editions

A Room with a View
1909, a lovely copy of the second impression of E M Forster's third novel
E M Forster
Edward Arnold, London, 1909
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions