
Browse by Date—1900–1949

Oils, Pigments, Paints & Varnishes etc

1922, Rupert Truelove's treatise on protective and decorative coatings
Rupert H Truelove
Isaac Pitman, London, 1922
Crafts | Hard Cover | First Editions

High Wycombe Furniture

Lawrence Weaver's treatise on Buckingham furniture
Lawrence Weaver
The Fanfare Press, London, 1929
Crafts | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Real "Lady of the Camellias"

and Other Women of Quality (1927)
Charles A Dolph
T Werner Laurie Ltd, London, 1927
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Medical Directory 1915

with thousands of entries for England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
Not stated
J & A Churchill, London, 1915
Genealogy | Hard Cover

The Milk in the Cocoanut

1933, a work of speculative fiction by W Barnard Faraday
W Barnard Faraday, as W Bernard Faraday to the spine
Denis Archer, London, 1933
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Poets at War

An Anthology of Verse by Australian Servicemen (1944)
Ian Mudie, compiler
Georgian House, Melbourne, 1944
Poetry | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Malvern Register 1865–1904

including Aleister Crowley who attended 1891–1892
L S Millward, and E C Bullock, revised by R T C Cookson
Malvern Advertiser, Malvern, 1905
School & University Registers | Hard Cover

The Boy in the Bush

First US edition of D H Lawrence's novel set in Western Australia
D H Lawrence, and M L Skinner
Thomas Seltzer, New York, 1924
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Life and Death of Jason (Signed copy)

This copy signed by American writer and anthologist Edward J O'Brien
William Morris
Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1914
Poetry | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | Association Copy

Candle in the Dark, A Postscript to Despair

This copy signed by British author Rumer Godden
Irwin Edman
The Viking Press, New York, 1939
Philosophy | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Fall of Valor

Charles Jackson's 1946 novel, first major American novel to deal with the theme of homosexuality
Charles Jackson
Rinehart & Co, New York, 1946
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Is It Peace?

David Lloyd George's thoughts and theories on the Treaty of Versailles, and the years after the Great War
David Lloyd George
Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1923
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

Pilate's Wife

French author Jean Damase's first novel
Jean Damase, translated from the French by Arthur Mayne
Duckworth & Co, London, 1932
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Warrior's Path

A Native American kidnap novel from American author Don Ryan
Don Ryan
Duckworth & Co, London, 1937
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

An early 20th century copy
James Boswell
George Routledge & Sons, London, 1910
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | Leather Bound

L'Aviation Militaire Francaise

1936, a summary of the French air force—seaplanes, flying formations etc
Pierre Barjot, preface by General Vuillemin
J de Gigord, Paris, 1936
Military & War | Hard Cover | Leather Bound

The Basilica of S. Clemente in Rome

1914, a nicely bound hardback guide to the Basilica di San Clemente al Laterano
Louis Nolan
Tipografia Italo-Orientale "S. Nilo", Grottaferrata, 1914
Religions, Beliefs & Spirituality | Hard Cover

Handling a Low-Powered Steamer in a Revolving Storm

A 1929 prize-winning essay
Captain J S Commander
Thomas Gray Memorial Trust, 1929
Transport | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Bounty of the Gods, A Study in Points of View (1910)

and its sequel The Polar Star (1911)
Lady Helen Forbes
Duckworth & Co, London, 1910
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions


Shaw Desmond's novel of reincarnation set in Nero's Rome
Shaw Desmond
Duckworth & Co, London, 1927
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Bodies and Souls

An early novel from Shaw Desmond
Shaw Desmond
Duckworth & Co, London, 1922
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions


An early novel from Shaw Desmond
Shaw Desmond
Duckworth & Co, London, 1920
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Fundamental Problems of Marxism

1941, this copy owned and signed by architect & planner, Graeme Shankland
G V Plekhanov, edited by D Ryazanov
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1941
Politics, Law & Economics | Soft Cover | Signed Copies

Hogarth Living Poets No 24: New Signatures

including W H Auden, Stephen Spender and Julian Bell
Michael Roberts, editor
The Hogarth Press, London, 1932
Poetry | Hard Cover | First Editions

A small collection of a 1930s / 1940s amateur magician's paper ephemera

Howard J Rutter, including wartime concerts
Howard J Rutter
Not Published, Various, 1939
Magic | Soft Cover | Signed Copies

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