
Browse by Date—1900–1949

Les Chants du Bivouac

1914, a rare collection of soldier songs from the Great War
Theodore Botrel, preface by Maurice Barres, illustrated by Carlegle, and with a portrait of the author by Paul Jobert
Payot et Cie, Paris, 1914
Military & War | Soft Cover | First Editions

Organic Derivatives of Tellurium

and Interaction of Ethylene and Sulphur Monochloride, with a memoir of Richard Henry Vernon
Richard Henry Vernon
Transactions of the Chemical Society, London, 1920
Science, Mathematics & Technology | Hard Cover | First Editions | Leather Bound

Plan 6, Architectural Students Association Journal 1949

This issue a long illustrated article on architecture
John Killick, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1949
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 5, Architectural Students Association Journal 1949

including the design of the RT3 bus
John Killick, et al, editors, cover design by Jeffrey Howlett & W J G Godwin
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1949
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 4, Architectural Students Association Journal 1949

including the St Pancras Way housing scheme
John Killick, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1949
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 3, Architectural Students Association Journal 1948

including writing on the MARS group
A S Hunt, et al, editors, cover design by Ian Baker.
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1948
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

New Directions, Number Seven, 1942

including Ford Madox Ford and Franz Kafka
Various, including Franz Kafka, Montagu O'Reilly, John Russell McCarthy etc
New Directions, Norfolk, Connecticut, 1942
Essays | Hard Cover | First Editions

Turning Night into Day

A history of lighting, illustrated by Russian artist Nikolay Lapshin
M Ilin, illustrated by N Lapshin, translated by Beatrice Kincaid
George Routledge & Sons, London, 1937
Architecture & Design | Hard Cover | First Editions

William Morris

An early biography by Alfred Noyes
Alfred Noyes
Macmillan, London, 1908
William Morris | Hard Cover | First Editions

In the Gunroom

A classic book on the use and maintenance of shot guns and rifles
Major Gerald Burrard
Herbert Jenkins, London, 1930
Sports & Hobbies | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Ordinary Families

E Arnot Robertson's novel of a Suffolk family in the early 20th century
E Arnot Robertson
Jonathan Cape, London, 1933
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Mr Finchley Discovers his England

1934, Victor Canning's picaresque novel
Victor Canning
Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1934
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Elements of Astronomy

A rare first edition of D N Mallik's astronomical book
Devendra Nath Mallik
University Press, Cambridge, 1921
Science, Mathematics & Technology | Hard Cover | First Editions

Extraction of the Teeth

1912, an illustrated dentistry book
J F Colyer
Claudius Ash, Sons & Co, London, 1912
Health & Medicine | Hard Cover

The Great Offensive, The Strategy of Coalition Warfare (Signed copy)

Signed by the translator Heinz Norden
Max Werner, translated by Heinz and Ruth Norden
Victor Gollancz, London, 1943
Military & War | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

A Cumsha Cruise (Signed copy)

Signed by E Laurie-Long
Ernest Laurie-Long
Ward Lock & Co, London, 1937
Fiction | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

Men's Gods (Signed copy)

Signed by Edward Charles, a fragment from an unfinished pageant
Edward Charles
Joiner and Steele Ltd, London, 1931
Drama | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Limited Editions | Slipcase

William the Silent (Signed copy)

Previously owned by theologian C H Dodd and historian J T Driver
C V Wedgwood
Jonathan Cape, London, 1948
History | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | Association Copy

Love's Progress, or The Education of Araminta (Signed copy)

This copy signed by Humbert Wolfe
James Laver
The Nonesuch Press, Bloomsbury, London, 1929
Poetry | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Limited Editions | Association Copy

The Bond

Neith Boyce's 1908 novel of open marriage
Neith Boyce
Duckworth & Co, London, 1908
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

A Scots Anthology (Signed copy)

Signed by Eric Linklater and Allan C Fraser, poems in the Scottish dialect
John W Oliver, and J C Smith (editors), title page design by Joan Hassall.
Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1949
Poetry | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

G.P.U. Justice

The workings of the Russian secret police in the late 1930s
Maurice Edelman
George Allen & Unwin, London, 1938
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

Huit Siecles de Poesie Francaise

Eight centuries of French poetry, in a fine leather binding from Hatchette of London
B H Chamberlain, editor
Payot et Cie, Paris, 1927
Poetry | Hard Cover | First Editions | Leather Bound

Corona Benignitatis Anni Dei

Paul Caludel's poetry in an attractive leather binding from Hatchette
Paul Claudel
Nouvelle Revue Francaise, Paris, 1920
Poetry | Hard Cover | Leather Bound

L'Annonce faite à Marie

A 1914 edition of Claudel's French play, The Tidings Brought to Mary
Paul Claudel
Nouvelle Revue Francaise, Paris, 1914
Drama | Hard Cover | Leather Bound

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