Browse by Attribute—First Editions

La Voz de Ofelia (Signed copy)
Signed by Clara Janes
Clara Janes
Ediciones Siruela, Madrid, 2005
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

Plan 9, Architectural Students Association Journal 1951
Architecture and the environment etc
Michael Keyte, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1951
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 8, Architectural Students Association Journal 1950
including Stevenage building, new techniques etc
John Killick, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1950
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 7, Architectural Students Association Journal 1950
including architectural drawing, and the architecture of Peckham
John Killick, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1950
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 6, Architectural Students Association Journal 1949
This issue a long illustrated article on architecture
John Killick, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1949
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 5, Architectural Students Association Journal 1949
including the design of the RT3 bus
John Killick, et al, editors, cover design by Jeffrey Howlett & W J G Godwin
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1949
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 4, Architectural Students Association Journal 1949
including the St Pancras Way housing scheme
John Killick, et al, editors
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1949
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Plan 3, Architectural Students Association Journal 1948
including writing on the MARS group
A S Hunt, et al, editors, cover design by Ian Baker.
Arch. S. A. Journal Committee, London, 1948
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Odd Bits of History (Signed copy)
Signed by Henry William Wolff, founder of the International Co-operative Alliance
Henry William Wolff
Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1894
Essays | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

Badgers, Beeches and Blisters (Signed copy)
Signed by Julian Evans, getting started in your own wood
Julian Evans
Patula Books, Basingstoke, 2006
Natural History | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

New Directions, Number Seven, 1942
including Ford Madox Ford and Franz Kafka
Various, including Franz Kafka, Montagu O'Reilly, John Russell McCarthy etc
New Directions, Norfolk, Connecticut, 1942
Essays | Hard Cover | First Editions

Turning Night into Day
A history of lighting, illustrated by Russian artist Nikolay Lapshin
M Ilin, illustrated by N Lapshin, translated by Beatrice Kincaid
George Routledge & Sons, London, 1937
Architecture & Design | Hard Cover | First Editions

Recorded Folk Music
Vol 2, No 1, including The Street Singers of the French Revolution
A L Lloyd, editor
Collet's Holdings, London, 1959
Music | Soft Cover | First Editions

Recorded Folk Music
The second issue, with an essay on American folk music
A L Lloyd, editor
Collet's Holdings, London, 1958
Music | Soft Cover | First Editions

Building Bulletin 3—Village Schools
A 1961 government guide to the building and remodelling of village schools
Ministry of Education
HMSO, London, 1961
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Charles Dickens, Magician (Signed copy)
Conjuring in Life, Letters and Literature (Signed by Ian Keable)
Ian Keable
Printed for the Author, 2014
Autobiography & Biography | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

A History of the English-Speaking Peoples
Churchill's history of Britain and its Colonies, four volumes
Winston S Churchill
Cassell, London, 1956
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Four Duncan Forbes travel books (three are signed)
Heart of Nepal, Heart of Malaya, Travels in Pakistan, The Buddhist Pilgrimage
Duncan Forbes
Various, London, Delhi, etc, n.d.
Travel & Exploration | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

What Makes an Orchestra
Wonderfully illustrated by German artist Jan Balet
Jan Balet
Lutterworth Press, London, 1959
Music | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The God of the Xhosa
A Study of the Origins and Development of the Traditional Concepts of the Supreme Being
Janet Hodgson
Oxford University Press, Cape Town, 1982
Religions, Beliefs & Spirituality | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

William Morris
An early biography by Alfred Noyes
Alfred Noyes
Macmillan, London, 1908
William Morris | Hard Cover | First Editions

Spaces in the Home: Kitchens and Laundering Spaces
A Dept of the Environment architectural design bulletin
Department of the Environment
HMSO, London, 1972
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

St John's School, Sefton
The Design of a New Primary School
Department of Education and Sc
Department of Education and Science, London, 1989
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover | First Editions

Peace is Our Answer
12 linocuts by Noel Counihan and poems by Jack Lindsay, Paul Eluard, Pablo Neruda, and Louis Aragon
Noel Counihan, illustrator, poems by Jack Lindsay, with further prefatory poems by Paul Eluard, Pablo Neruda, Louis Aragon, and a foreword by J G Crowther
Collets Holdings Ltd, London, 1950
Poetry | Soft Cover | First Editions

In the Gunroom
A classic book on the use and maintenance of shot guns and rifles
Major Gerald Burrard
Herbert Jenkins, London, 1930
Sports & Hobbies | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper