Browse by Attribute—First Editions

The Building News and Engineering Journal, Volume 47, July to December 1884
1000+ pages, profusely illustrated, including an early photo-lithograph of the Statue of Liberty
The Building News and Engineer
E J Kibblewhite for the Building News, London, 1884
Architecture & Design | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Building News and Engineering Journal, Volume 45, July to December 1883
1000+ pages, profusely illustrated, a remarkable sourcebook of Victorian architecture
The Building News and Engineer
E J Kibblewhite for the Building News, London, 1883
Architecture & Design | Hard Cover | First Editions | Leather Bound

Historique de 244e Regiment D'Artillerie de Campagne, 1 Avril 1917—30 Janvier 1919
A 1919 French WW1 regimental history with Roll of Honour
Not stated
Berger-Levrault, Paris, 1919
Military & War | Soft Cover | First Editions

Historique des 44e, 244e et 264e Regiments D'Artillerie de Campagne, 1914–1918
French WW1 regimental history including Roll of Honour
Not stated
Libraire Chapelot, Paris, 1919
Military & War | Soft Cover | First Editions

The Well-Beloved
1897, first US edition on book form of Thomas Hardy's final novel
Thomas Hardy, frontispiece by H Macbeth-Raeburn
Harper & Brothers, New York, 1897
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Aristide Maillol (Signed copy)
From the library of British artist and sculptor David Heathcote
Bertrand Lorquin
Thames and Hudson, London, 1995
Art | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper | Association Copy

Igor Mitoraj (Signed copy)
This copy from the library of British artist and sculptor David Heathcote
Donald Kuspit, and Giovanni Testori (text), introduction by John Russell Taylor. Photographs by Liberto Perugi
Fabbri Editori, Milan, 1992
Art | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper | Association Copy

The Novels of Thomas Peacock
1948, Headlong Hall, Melincourt, Nightmare Abbey, Maid Marian, The Misfortunes of Elphin, Crotchet Castle, and Gryll Grange
Thomas Peacock, edited by David Garnett. Dustwrapper by Joan Hassall.
Rupert Hart-Davis, London, 1948
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Naval Mutinies of 1797, Unity and Perseverance
A comprehensive study
Ann Veronica Coats, and Philip MacDougall, editors
Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2011
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

Kipps, The Story of a Simple Soul
1905, the first edition of the novel H G Wells's considered his favourite
H G Wells
Macmillan, London, 1905
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner 1880–1938, On the Edge of the Abyss of Time
This copy from the library of British artist and sculptor David Heathcote
Norbert Wolf
Taschen, Koln, 2003
Art | Soft Cover | First Editions | Association Copy

War Requiem & Aftermath
2013, Maggi Hambling's art featuring paintings of battlefields and war victims.
Maggi Hambling, with James Cahill
Unicorn Press, London, 2015
Art | Soft Cover | First Editions

Serbia: The History of an Idea
First edition of this comprehensive study
Stevan K Pavlowitch
New York University Press, New York, 2002
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Carlisle House, Carlisle Street, Soho, London
1936, a rare if brief history, in a fine Bickers & Son full leather binding
J Brooke Wilkinson, author identified by printed initials at end of text
British Board of Film Censors, London, 1936
Topography & Local Interest | Hard Cover | First Editions | Fine Bindings | Leather Bound

Dear Philip
A Diary of Captivity, Changi, 1942–1945
Freddy Bloom
The Bodley Head, London, 1980
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

General Ludd (Signed copy)
Signed by John Metcalf, the author's second novel
John Metcalf
ECW Press, Downsview, Ontario, 1980
Fiction | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Beauty of Flight
1932, a first edition of Manfred Curry's book of aerial photography
Manfred Curry, with a preface by C R Fairey
John Miles, London, 1932
Photography | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Quest for Arthur's Britain
1968, first edition of Geoffrey Ashe's study of King Arthur's Britain
Geoffrey Ashe
The 'Pall Mall' Press, London, 1968
Mythology, Customs & Folklore | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

English Folk Heroes
1948, Christina Hole's account of Robin Hood, King Arthur etc
Christina Hole, illustrated by Eric King
Batsford, London, 1948
Mythology, Customs & Folklore | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper | Association Copy

Incendiary (Signed copy)
Signed by Zoraida Cordova
Zoraida Cordova
Hodder and Stoughton, London, 2020
Fiction | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Merry England
1960, first edition beautifully illustrated by Edward Ardizzone
Cyril Ray, illustrated by Edward Ardizzone
Vista Books, London, 1960
Topography & Local Interest | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Illuminating the Renaissance
The Triumph of Flemish Manuscript Painting in Europe
Thomas Kren, and Scot McKendrick, with contributions by Maryan W Ainsworth, Mari-Tere Alvarez, Brigitte Dekeyzer, Richard Gay, Elizabeth Morrison, Catherine Reynolds
Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2003
Art | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Cloth is the Center of the World
Nigerian Textiles, Global Perspectives. A 2001 exhibition catalogue
Susan J Torntore, editor
The Goldstein Museum of Design, St Pauls, MN, 2001
Fashion, Costume & Etiquette | Soft Cover | First Editions

A 1912 guide from the President of the Institute of Brewing
A Chaston Chapman
University Press, Cambridge, 1912
Food & Drink | Hard Cover | First Editions

Modern Dancing and Dancers
1912, quite a rare first edition on danciing, ballet, dancers, morris dancing...
J E Crawford Flitch
Grant Richards, London, 1912
Drama | Hard Cover | First Editions