
Browse by Attribute—First Editions

People of the Streets

1968, Tony Parker's meetings with seven people on the streets of London
Tony Parker, illustrated by Anthony Colbert
Jonathan Cape, London, 1968
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Transatlantic Review 9

1962, including Jack Kerouac, Muriel Spark and Angus Wilson
J F McCrindle, editor
Transatlantic Review, London and New York, 1962
Journals, Periodicals and Reviews | Soft Cover | First Editions

Hogarth Living Poets No 24: New Signatures

including W H Auden, Stephen Spender and Julian Bell
Michael Roberts, editor
The Hogarth Press, London, 1932
Poetry | Hard Cover | First Editions

Studies in Revolution

1950, E H Carr's essays on Proudhon, Herzen, Plekhanov, Lenin, Stalin etc
E H Carr
Macmillan, London, 1950
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

Christo & Jeanne-Claude: The Floating Piers

Lake Iseo, Italy, 2014–2016
Christo, and Jeanne-Claude, photographs by Wolfgang Volz, picture commentary by Jonathan Henery and Wolfgang Volz
Taschen, Koln, 2016
Art | Soft Cover | First Editions

Illustrations of the Principle Natural Orders of the Vegetable Kingdom

1874, a rare first edition with 109 hand-coloured plates by W H Fitch
Professor Daniel Oliver, illustrated by W H Fitch
Chapman & Hall, London, 1874
Natural History | Hard Cover | First Editions

Life of an Indian Outpost

First edition, c1914
Major Gordon Casserly, of the Indian Army
T Werner Laurie Ltd, London, 1914
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Function of Literature

A Study of Christoper Caudwell's Aesthetics
David N Margolies
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1969
Politics, Law & Economics | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The West Indian Experience in British Schools

Multi-Racial Education and Social Disadvantage in London
Raymond Giles
Heinemann Educational Books, London, 1977
Social Sciences & Anthropology | Soft Cover | First Editions

A War-torn Chester Parish

St Werburgh's before, during and after the Great War
Ann Marie Curtis, et al
Scotforth Books, 2017
Topography & Local Interest | Soft Cover | First Editions

Dream Children, A Reverie, and The Child Angel, A Dream

1902, two essays from Charles Lamb in an attractive leather binding
Charles Lamb
De La More Press, London, 1902
Essays | Hard Cover | First Editions | Leather Bound

Art in the Light of Conscience (Signed copy)

Eight essays on poetry by Marina Tsvetaeva, signed by translator Angela Livingstone, and a copy of The Ratcatcher (also signed by Livingstone)
Marina Tsvetaeva, translated & edited by Angela Livingstone
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1992
Poetry | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The History of Romney Marsh from its Earliest Formation to 1837

1849, a rare first edition of the first history of the Marsh
William Holloway
John Russell Smith, London, 1849
Topography & Local Interest | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Valley of Eyes Unseen

An early lost race novel set in the Himalayas
Gilbert Collins
Duckworth & Co, London, 1923
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions

Widsith, Beowulf, Finnsburgh, Waldere, Deor

C K Scott Moncrieff's translation "Done Into Common English After the Old Manner"
C K Scott Moncrieff, with an introduction by Viscount Northcliffe
Chapman & Hall, London, 1921
Poetry | Hard Cover | First Editions

An Introduction to Dutch Art

This copy belonged to artist and illustrator Brian Robb
R H Wilenski
Faber & Gwyer, London, 1929
Art | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Association Copy

Bram Stoker's Dracula: Sucking Through the Century, 1897–1997

A series of essays
Carol Margaret Davison, editor
Dundern Press, Toronto & Oxford, 1997
Literary Criticism | Soft Cover | First Editions

The Sun Queen & People of the Twilight

Two weird fiction first editions from H Kaner
Hyman Kaner, dustwrapper design by H W Perl
The Kaner Publishing Company, Llandudno, 1946
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Strange Adventure in the Life of Miss Laura Mildmay

J Sheridan Le Fanu's ghost story, including Madam Crowl's Ghost
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, introduction by Herbert Van Thal, frontispiece and wrapper by Felix Kelly
Home and Van Thal Ltd, London, 1947
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Marriage of Anne

1927, a Jazz Age romance from Concordia Merrel
Concordia Merrel, dustwrapper design by John Drew
George H Doran, New York, 1927
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

"Holmes, This is Amazing", Essays in Unorthodox Research (Signed copy)

Signed by Roger Lancelyn Green to Morton N Cohen
Roger Lancelyn Green
Privately printed, London, 1975
Essays | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Limited Editions | Dustwrapper

The Scots Kitchen

1931 (seventh impression); Its Traditions and Lore with Old-Time Recipes
F Marian McNeill
Blackie & Son, London & Glasgow, 1931
On Hold
Food & Drink | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Cratylus, Phaedo, Parmenides, and Timaeus of Plato

1793, the first English translation by Thomas Taylor
Plato, translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor
Benjamin and John White, London, 1793
Philosophy | Hard Cover | First Editions | Leather Bound

Bombardment of Scarbro by the Russian Fleet in 1891

1889, a rare, humorous, addition to Invasion Literature
Untruthful Thomas
Crown Publishing Co (Bonnett & Shum), London, 1889
Fiction | Soft Cover | First Editions

Journal of a Route Across India, through Egypt, to England

1819, Fitzclarence's account of the journey, with maps and hand-coloured aquatint plates
Lt.-Col. George August Fitzclarence
John Murray, London, 1819
Travel & Exploration | Hard Cover | First Editions | Leather Bound

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