Browse by Date—1950–

Plankton in Ton (Signed copy)
Signed by the botanical artist Amedeo Baumgartner
Amedeo Baumgartner
Ed. Howeg, Zurich, 2005
Art | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Lewis Carroll, A Biography
The first Japanese edition, in two volumes, and from Morton Cohen's own collection.
Morton N Cohen
Kawaru Shobo Shinsha, Tokyo, 1995
Lewis Carroll | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Men of Gallipoli (Signed copy)
Signed by Peter Liddle to Thomas Spurgeon who served on the Ark Royal in the Gallipoli campaign
Peter Liddle
Allen Lane, London, 1976
Military & War | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Cinema Dadiste et Surrealiste
with the bookplate of English Surrealist and bibliophile John Lyle
Alain Sayag, and Claire Blanchon
Musee National d'Art Moderne, Paris, 1978
Film & Theatre | Soft Cover | First Editions

The Black Book
Lawrence Durrell's third novel, the 2nd edition of 1959, Olympia Press
Lawrence Durrell
The Olympia Press, Paris, 1959
On Hold
Fiction | Soft Cover | Dustwrapper

Something And Nothing—Tales From The Wedding Present: Vol Two
Signed by David Lewis Gedge, Terry de Castro and Lee Thacker
David Lewis Gedge, with Terry de Castro and Jessica McMillan, adapted and illustrated by Lee Thacker, additional editing by Karl Kathuria
Scopitones, Brighton, 2022
Music | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

The Wombles at Work
1973, the first edition
Elisabeth Beresford, illustrated by Margaret Gordon
Ernest Benn, London, 1973
Childrens | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Jazz, An Introduction to its Musical Basis (Signed copy)
Signed by Avril Dankworth
Avril Dankworth
Oxford University Press, London, 1975
Music | Soft Cover | Signed Copies

The Empire of Min
1954, first edition, Edward Shafer's study of Chinese history AD907–960
Edward H Schafer
Charles E Tuttle, Rutland, VT, 1954
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Chatsworth, Arcadia, Now: Seven Scenes from the Life of a House
A sumptuous history of the Derbyshire house
John-Paul Stonard, foreword by The Duke of Devonshire & The Duchess of Devonshire photography by Victoria Hely-Hutchinson, Art Direction by Huw Morgan
Particular Books, London, 2021
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

One by One
1965, Penelope Gilliatt's first novel
Penelope Gilliatt
Secker & Warburg, London, 1965
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Pillion Riders
A first printing of Elisabeth Russell Taylor's novel of the conflicting demands of passion and morality
Elisabeth Russell Taylor
Peter Owen, London, 1993
Fiction | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Unfree in Palestine (Signed copy)
Signed by Adah Kay, 'Registration, Documentation and Movement Restriction'
Nadia Abu-Zahra, and Adah Kay
Pluto Press, London, 2013
Politics, Law & Economics | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

The Journal of a London Playgoer
1974 edition of Morley's account of theatre trips 1851–1866
Henry Morley, with an introduction by Michael R Booth
Leicester University Press, Leicester, 1974
Drama | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper

Sophie Ryder (Signed copy)
A study of the sculptor's work, signed by Sophie Ryder
Jonathan Benington
Lund Humphries, London, 2001
Art | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Aeschylus and Athens
George Thomson's study of Athenian drama and democracy
George Thomson
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1973
History | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper

A Mirror to My Life (Signed copy)
Signed by Perle Hessing
Perle Hessing
Henry Holt, New York, 1988
Art | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Chagall du Coq a l'Ane
A superbly illustrated French exhibition catalogue from 2018
Jean-Jacques Faucher, and Jean-Louis Prat
La Doyenne, Brioude, 2018
Art | Hard Cover | First Editions

Nineteenth-Century Lives, Essays Presented to Jerome Hamilton Buckley (Signed copy)
From the library of Morton N Cohen (contributor), with a handwritten letter to him from Jerome Buckley
Laurence S Lockridge, with John Maynard, & Donald D Stone (editors), bibliography compiled by David M Staines
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989
Autobiography & Biography | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Where Did It All Go Right? (Signed copy)
Signed by Al Alvarez, an uncorrected proof copy
A. Alvarez
Richard Cohen Books / Metro, London, 1999
On Hold
Autobiography & Biography | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Uncorrected proof

Irish Folk Music and Song
A brief study by Donal O'Sullivan
Donal O'Sullivan, illustrated by Muriel Brandt
Colm O Lochlainn, Dublin, 1956
Music | Soft Cover | First Editions

Art and Illusion
A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation
E H Gombrich
Phaidon, London, 1962
Art | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper

Poems (1971) & Out Loud (1976)
Two early collections of verse from Adrian Mitchell
Adrian Mitchell
Jonathan Cape, London, 1971
Poetry | Soft Cover

Lime and Lime Mortars
A 1998 facsimile of the 1927 first edition
A D Cowper
Donhead Publishing, Shaftesbury, 1998
Architecture & Design | Soft Cover

Agreement! (Signed copy)
Signed by Beatrix Campbell; The State, Conflict and Change in Northern Ireland
Beatrix Campbell
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 2008
Politics, Law & Economics | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions