
Browse by Subject Category—History

The National Library of Wales Journal, Volume XXV 1987/1988

including articles on Richard Hughes' library, Book of Cynog etc
The Librarian, (Brynley F Roberts)
National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1988
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

The National Library of Wales Journal, Volume XXIV 1985/1986

including articles on Welsh History, Honddu Valley population, etc
The Librarian, (R Geraint Gruffydd & Brynley F Roberts)
National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1986
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

The National Library of Wales Journal, Volume XXIII 1983/1984

including articles on Welsh Equestrian Seals and The Fulling Mills of Chirk
The Librarian, (R Geraint Gruffydd)
National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1984
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

The National Library of Wales Journal, Volume XXII 1981/1982

including articles on William Blake, Welsh history and literature
The Librarian, (R Geraint Gruffydd)
National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1982
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Forgotten Irish, Memoirals of the Raj (Signed copy)

Signed by Eileen Hewson
Eileen Hewson
Kabristan Archives, Wem, 2004
History | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions

The National History and Views of London and its Environs

1835, volume 2, with 270 engravings on 54 pages
C F Partington, editor
Black and Armstrong, London, 1835
History | Hard Cover | Leather Bound

Hungarian Tragedy

Peter Fryer's account of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956
Peter Fryer
Dennis Dobson, London, 1956
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

Touring in 1600

A Study in the Development of Travel as a Means of Education
E S Bates
Constable, London, 1911
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Empire of Min

1954, first edition, Edward Shafer's study of Chinese history AD907–960
Edward H Schafer
Charles E Tuttle, Rutland, VT, 1954
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Chatsworth, Arcadia, Now: Seven Scenes from the Life of a House

A sumptuous history of the Derbyshire house
John-Paul Stonard, foreword by The Duke of Devonshire & The Duchess of Devonshire photography by Victoria Hely-Hutchinson, Art Direction by Huw Morgan
Particular Books, London, 2021
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Aeschylus and Athens

George Thomson's study of Athenian drama and democracy
George Thomson
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1973
History | Hard Cover | Dustwrapper


Anatomy of the Soviet Ruling Class (1984)
Michael Voslensky, with a preface by Milovan Djilas. Translated by Eric Mosbacher
The Bodley Head, London, 1984
On Hold
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Is It Peace?

David Lloyd George's thoughts and theories on the Treaty of Versailles, and the years after the Great War
David Lloyd George
Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1923
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

Studies in Revolution

1950, E H Carr's essays on Proudhon, Herzen, Plekhanov, Lenin, Stalin etc
E H Carr
Macmillan, London, 1950
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

Roman Antiquities: or, An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans

1792, the enlarged second edition of Alexander Adam's classic in an attractive marbled calf binding
Alexander Adam
A Strahan, T Cadell & W Creech, Edinburgh & London, 1792
History | Hard Cover | Leather Bound

The Holocaust, The Jewish Tragedy (Signed copy)

With a handwritten postcard from Martin Gilbert
Martin Gilbert
HarperCollins, London, 1987
History | Soft Cover | Signed Copies

Mr John Carnegie's Application and Declaration Relating to Land at Fish Creek

An report from the Australian Government into land acquisition in Victoria
Australian Government
John Ferres, Melbourne, 1885
History | Soft Cover | First Editions

The Sea is My Country

The Maritime World of the Makahs, an Indigenous Borderlands People
Joshua L Reid
Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2015
History | Soft Cover | First Editions

The Strange Case of Thomas Walker (Signed copy)

Signed by the author, Frida Knight, Communist and activist
Frida Knight, foreword by G D H Cole
Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1957
History | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Military History of Late Rome 395–425

The third book in this ambitious series
Ilkka Syvanne
Pen & Sword, Barnsley, 2020
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Iron Age Burials from Mill Hill, Deal

1995, a comprehensive account of archaeological excavations between 1984 and 1989
Keith Parfitt, with contributions by Janet Ambers, T Anderson, D Holman, A J Legge, Valery Rigby, I M Stead and Sheelagh Stead
The British Museum Press, London, 1995
History | Hard Cover | First Editions

The Presence of the Past

Chronicles, Politics and Culture in Sinhala Life—from the library of Sinhalese scholar C H B Reynolds
Steven Kemper
Cornell University Library, Ithaca, 1991
History | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

Hume and the Enlightenment

Essays Presented to Ernest Campbell Mossner
William B Todd, editor
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1974
History | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper

To the Highlands in 1786 (Signed copy)

Signed by Norman Scarfe to Morton N Cohen, plus letter
Norman Scarfe, with a foreword by Francois Crouzet
Boydell Press, Woodbridge, 2001
History | Hard Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Dustwrapper

The Marriage of Shiva and Aphrodite

and The Bliss of the Dance of Creation
Stephen R Hill
Duckworth & Co, London, 2009
History | Soft Cover

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