
The Shepherd's Farm, The Balcony, The Green Bond

Three hardbacks from Adrian Bell


Adrian Bell


Various, London & Ipswich, n.d.
The Shepherd's Farm, The Balcony, The Green BondThe Shepherd's Farm, The Balcony, The Green BondThe Shepherd's Farm, The Balcony, The Green Bond

Printing Details

Three hardback editions, please see below.

1. The Shepherd's Farm (The Bodley Head,1943). Reprint. Hardback, green cloth.

2. The Balcony (The Bodley Head, 1943). Reprint, Hardback, green cloth.

3. The Green Bond (Boydell Press, 1976). First edition, hardback in dustwrapper.


All three books are in good readable condition, nothing special but good writing.



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