
Anti-Nazi Germans (Signed copy)

Signed by Merilyn Moos


Merilyn Moos, and Steve Cushion, introduction by Ian Birchall


Community Languages, London, 2020
Anti-Nazi Germans (Signed copy)Anti-Nazi Germans (Signed copy)Anti-Nazi Germans (Signed copy)

Printing Details

First edition. Paperback. 21 × 15cm, 316pp.

Signed and dedicated by Merilyn Moos to the title page.

This book contains two studies: "Enemies of the Nazi State from within the Working Class Movement" by Merilyn Moos, and "German Volunteers in the French Resistance" by Steve Cushion. From the back cover: "It is a commonly held myth that there was little resistance in Germany to the Nazis except for one or two well known instances. But, regularly ignored or forgotten is the level of opposition from anti Germans, and in particular from the German working class movement. This book examines that resistance in two parts, starting with the internal resistance. Here are forgotten stories of brave men and women who organised against the Nazis in German towns and villages, as well as in the concentration camps and the armed forces.

The second part chronicles how German refugees contributed to fighting the Nazis in France. From spreading anti-Nazi propaganda in the German Army and attempting to organise mutiny and desertion, through to extensive involvement in urban terrorism and the rural guerrilla struggle."


This copy is in very good condition.





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Anti-Nazi Germans (Signed copy)Anti-Nazi Germans (Signed copy)Anti-Nazi Germans (Signed copy)

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