How the Voice becomes Prematurely Damaged, as in the Case of Maria Callas
A swipe at Maria Callas by Greek soprano Marika Palaisti
Printing Details
Assumed first edition. Paperback. 20.5 × 14cm, 99pp. Greek text.
A rare booklet by Marika Palaisti, the Greek soprano who sang with the Bolshoi Opera. The book appears to be a sideways swipe at Maria Callas as it suggests her fame through the numerous scandals in her private life and not through the strength of her voice. Palaisti claims to be an expert in the voice, and also suggests Maria Callas' voice is lyric coloratura and as such, she must never sing Aida, Norma, or Medea or she will ruin her voice, comparing Callas unfavourably to other singers such as Elizabeth Schwartzkopf, Joan Sutherland etc. At the same time, Palaisti quotes articles from American papers that state what a great singer she herself was...
This copy is in good condition. The covers and the pages are tanned, and many pages uncut (ie unopened), and some foxing around the spine but it is unusual and scarce title in the Maria Callas bibliography.