
Charles Ancliffe (composer) signed musical annotation

With four handwritten bars of Nights of Gladness, dated 1920


Charles Ancliffe


Not Published, 1920
Charles Ancliffe (composer) signed musical annotationCharles Ancliffe (composer) signed musical annotationCharles Ancliffe (composer) signed musical annotation

Printing Details

This is an autographed musical notation by Charles Ancliffe. He has written the Valse (Waltz) from Nights of Gladness with four bars of musical notation, and then autographed it and dated it 30th December 1920.

Charles Ancliffe (1880–1952) was an Irish composer of light music, and was bandmaster with the South Wales Borderers between 1900 and 1918, and he composed this piece one Christmas Eve, on returning home from service in India. Nights of Gladness (1912) is his best known piece, becoming incredibly popular. The BBC even named a long-running series of light music programmes after it, using it as the signature tune.

The sheet is 18.5 × 21.5cm, and is light blue in colour, The sheet is 18.5 × 21.5cm, and is light blue in colour, with Ancliffe's writing in blue ink.


Good condition, some tanning to the edges but otherwise good and clear.


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