
The Making of the New Testament Documents

A study of the authorship of the Gospels and Letters


E Earle Ellis


Brill Academic Publishers, Boston, 2002
The Making of the New Testament DocumentsThe Making of the New Testament DocumentsThe Making of the New Testament Documents

Printing Details

Reprint. Paperback. 23 × 15cm, xxiii + 517pp.

Do we really know who wrote the New Testament documents? Do we really know when they were written? Scholars have long debated these fundamental questions. This volume identifies and investigates literary traditions and their implications for the authorship and dating of the Gospels and the letters of the New Testament. Departing from past scholarship, E. Earle Ellis argues that the Gospels and the letters are products of the corporate authorship of four allied apostolic missions and not just the creation of individual authors. The analysis of literary traditions also has implications for the dating of New Testament documents. Providing a critique of the current critical orthodoxy with respect to the dating of New Testament documents, Ellis weighs the patristic traditions more heavily and more critically than has been done in the past. Ellis's new reconstruction of the origin of the New Testament documents provides better answers than have been previously proposed to a number of critical questions. Ellis provides a comprehensive historical reconstruction of the process by which the gospel message became the Gospel books. His arguments, if persuasive, will require a reassessment of the history of early Christianity.


Very good condition, with a little light wear to the covers.





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The Making of the New Testament DocumentsThe Making of the New Testament DocumentsThe Making of the New Testament Documents

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