
Five Vera Stanley Alder paperbacks

Wisdom in Practice, The Initiation of the World, When Humanity Comes of Age, The Secret of the Atomic Age, and The Fifth Dimension


Vera Stanley Alder


Rider & Company, London, 1970
Five Vera Stanley Alder paperbacksFive Vera Stanley Alder paperbacksFive Vera Stanley Alder paperbacks

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Here are five paperback titles by Vera Stanley Alder, on the subject of spirituality, self-help and meditation and published by Rider.

Vera Stanley Alder (1898–1984) was an English painter and mystic and founder of the World Guardian Fellowship. The books are 1. Wisdom in Practice (1970), 2. The Initiation of the World (1970) 3. When Humanity Comes of Age (1972), 4. The Secret of the Atomic Age and 5. The Fifth Dimension (1973).


All five books are in good plus condition.


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