
Alla Va Mi Cuchillo (Signed copy)

Signed and dedicated by Angel Garcia Pintado


Angel Garcia Pintado


Anaya & Mario Muchnik, Madrid, 1992
Alla Va Mi Cuchillo (Signed copy)Alla Va Mi Cuchillo (Signed copy)Alla Va Mi Cuchillo (Signed copy)

Printing Details

First Spanish edition. Stiff card covers. 21.5 × 12.5cm, 221pp. Spanish text.

A novel from Angel Garcia Pintado, a journalist, editor, poet, and playwright. The title translates (roughly) as There Goes My Knife.


This copy is in very good condition.



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Alla Va Mi Cuchillo (Signed copy)Alla Va Mi Cuchillo (Signed copy)Alla Va Mi Cuchillo (Signed copy)

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