Browse by Subject Category—Psychology
The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 5, Number 2
1960, with articles by C G Jung, and on mysticism, theology etc
Michael Fordham, editor
Tavistock Publications Limited, London, 1960
Psychology | Soft Cover | First Editions
The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 5, Number 1
1960, articles on Jesus-in-Reverse, Samuel Beckett's plays...
Michael Fordham, editor
Tavistock Publications Limited, London, 1960
Psychology | Soft Cover | First Editions
The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 4, Number 2
1959, with articles on homoeroticism, ego integration etc...
Michael Fordham, editor
Tavistock Publications Limited, London, 1959
Psychology | Soft Cover | First Editions
The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 4, Number 1
1959, articles by C G Jung, and on tricksterism, projection etc
Michael Fordham, editor
Tavistock Publications Limited, London, 1959
Psychology | Soft Cover | First Editions
The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 3, Number 2
1958, articles on individuation and the fear of death
Michael Fordham, editor
Tavistock Publications Limited, London, 1958
Psychology | Soft Cover | First Editions
The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 3, Number 1 (Signed copy)
1958, signed by Jungian analyst irene Claremont de Castillejo
Michael Fordham, editor
Tavistock Publications Limited, London, 1958
Psychology | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions
The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 2, Number 2
1957, with articles on fetishism and transvestitism etc
Michael Fordham, editor
Tavistock Publications Limited, London, 1957
Psychology | Soft Cover | First Editions
The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 2, Number 1
1957, including articles by Leopold Stein & Michael Fordham
Michael Fordham, editor
Tavistock Publications Limited, London, 1957
Psychology | Soft Cover | First Editions
The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 1, Number 2
The second issue, including Emma Jung's obituary
Michael Fordham, editor
Tavistock Publications Limited, London, 1956
Psychology | Soft Cover | First Editions
The Journal of Analytical Psychology, Volume 1, Number 1 (Signed copy)
1955, the first issue, signed by Irene Claremont de Castillejo
Michael Fordham, editor
Tavistock Publications Limited, London, 1955
Psychology | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions
Toys, Play and Disicpline in Childhood
Beatrix Tudor Hart's 1955 classic book on development through play
Beatrix Tudor Hart
Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1955
Psychology | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper
Children and Families at the Centre: Radical Innovation 1938–2018
An award-winning designed in-house publication from the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
Elizabeth Allison
Anna Freud National Centre for Children & Families, London, 2017
Psychology | Hard Cover | First Editions | Dustwrapper
Spring 1960, A Magazine of Jungian Thought (Signed copy)
Signed by Irene Claremont de Castillejo
C G Jung, et al
The Analytical Psychology Club of New York, New York, 1960
Psychology | Soft Cover | Signed Copies | First Editions | Association Copy